Katalog API - Product details from Barcode

Discover how you can interact with our most famous API.

Katalog API - Product details from Barcode

Building the Product Barcode API we were looking for.

About ambition : Build the most universal and reliable product barcode API managing multiple datasources and enhanced by AI.

How it works ? 

Step 1 : Create an account and get your API Key and credits to use it (free plan available).

Step 2 : We recommend that you create a catalog within our tool, in which you can add a category tree and pour the products you submit to the API.

N.B : A catalog must carry a language. To maintain catalog consistency, a product requested in another language cannot be added. Only the "Default" catalog allows products in several languages.

Step 3: Start adding products to the catalog you've just created. To do this, you have several options: use our application interface or our Product details from Barcode API.

In this case using API.

Request model :

Important : To date, our API works in two stages: A first learning stage and a second data supply stage.

In the first call you will create the product and add it to one of your catalogs, it wil launch data acquisition even if product requested il already into our database to find more product details.

In the second call, you can call up the data collected by Katalog.world and enriched by our AI.

Create the product from barcode API call :

Method POST : https://app.katalog.world/api/products/create

body :

{"identifier":"your barcode",
"lang":"fr, en or es",

headers :

apikey: your_api_key
Content-Type: application/json

Information : After this call you can already see the product you just requested on the Katalog app interface in the catalog you used

Obtain data from GTIN (already created)

Method POST : https://app.katalog.world/api/products/get

body :


headers :

apikey: your_api_key
Content-Type: application/json

API Response model :

We believe that the data model output by our API is the one that will suit the majority of cases to provide a complete product sheet that will enable the product to be presented in the best possible way and thus generate sales. It's a choice we assume, and it's possible to add specific features in post-processing to suit everyone.

The API will return a JSON with this format:

{	"product_identifier": {	
		"id": "",
 	 	"ean": "",		
  	"upc": "",
  	"upc_ean": "",
  	"google_shopping_id": "",
  	"asin": ""},
  "basic_info": {		
  	"mpn": "",
  	"mpn_2": "",
  	"product_name": "",
  	"product_title": "",
  	"model_number": "",
  	"model_name": "",
  	"brand": "",
  	"brand_2": "",
  	"size": "",
  	"size_2": "",
  	"color": "",
  	"color_code": "",
  	"color_description": "",
  	"country_of_origin": "",
  	"product_type": "",
  	"sku": "",
  	"parent_sku": "",
  	"state": "",
  	"gtin_owner": "",
  	"other_product_same_model_gtin": ""},
  "sale_information": {	
  	"qty_sale_unit": "",
    "msrp_€": "",
    "msrp_$": "",
    "sale_unit_type": ""},
  "product_description_content": {
  	"product_description_txt": "",
    "product_description_html": "",		
    "product_resume_txt": "",		
    "product_resume_html": "",		
    "bullet_point": {	
    	"bullet_txt": ["",""],
      "bullet_html": ""		}},	
   "dimensions_weight": {	
   	"logistic_weight_g": "",
    "logistic_weight_kg": "",
    "product_weight_g": "",
    "product_weight_kg": "",
    "product_lenght": "",
    "product_width": "",
    "product_depth": "",
    "product_height": "",
    "product_dimensions": {	
    	"weight": "",	
      "height": "",	
      "length": ,	
      "width": "",},
     "logistic_lenght": "",	
     "logistic_width": "",
     "logistic_depth": "",
     "logistic_height": "",
     "logistic_dimensions": ""	},
   "media_gallery": {	
   		"main_picture_link": "",
      "video_link": "",
      "notice_link": "",
      	[{"type": "image",			
        	"link": "url_image_1",
          "main": true,	
          "selected": true},			
         {"type": "image",
         	"link": "url_image_2",
          "main": false}]},	
  	"tags": {
    	{"brand_information": "",
       "brand_website": "",
       "brand_logo_link": ""}

Missing datas in API response.

Some data may be missing if unfortunately they could not be acquired by our tools.

In order to be aligned with our users and mindful of the mission we have set ourselves, we will re-credit queries that have not provided at least the following datas.


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Katalog API - Product details from Barcode